Monday, March 9, 2009

Choatic in Class

Ok. Guys N Gals for 5L .. What is over is over why don't we just buried the hatchet and start all over again to be a peaceful 5L again. I know she's(the u know who) a bit mean to us but try to think again, she had been working so hard for this just for the sake of the class and now her hard work just paid off n not even a ''thank'' to her. I mean this is just ridiculous ( No offense). I've gotten the news from someone saying or arguing about the respect towards those who did not participate in that Bloody competition, she didnt force them to return from their duty to get back on the the practice for the competition,right ? Ok, fine lets just settle down ~and calm our mind. We'r infact grownups so just let it be, don't let a little influence destroy our friendship.What is said is 'nuff said.Really hope everything will just gone like the wind.If I said anything that offended you, I'm sorry, didnt mean to do so~

Signing off N writing this post on 2.53am


1 comment:

  1. yeah i agreed that we didnt gave her much credit on what she did for us. We didnt say thank you either. so i apologized about that. but something did happened that made me say that she 'ask' them to return from their duty for the singing competition. thats probably the part where u missed something. Im not trying to pick a fight or anything. I'm just explaining myself, k. so hope that no offence is taken.
